February Top of the Month Club 2018
Looking down upon the wintry fields from a second floor window, I can see the bleached greens, soft golds, and muted oranges of the field grasses. From up high, these fields appear still and unchanging, but my morning walk reveals a more nuanced reality. Close to the soil, mixed in with the frosted grass, bright bits of green growth tell the story beneath the earthy and subdued winter colors, the story of roots and shoots making ready for the coming surge of spring grass. The hardy tips of the daffodils and crocuses are already pushing their way up, signaling that the treasures of late winter and early spring won’t be too terribly long in coming. I will patiently wait! Welcome to Quiescence, our February TOMC!
 Our wool this month is Rambouillet! Rambouillet sheep were developed in France by crossing merino stock with long-wooled sheep; they were introduced into the US in the mid 1800’s. They thrive in the western range-lands of the United States, which is where this Rambouillet originates. Fine and springy like merino, this fiber will spin into a next-to-the-skin-soft yarn with plenty of bounce.
 Our wool/silk blend is the deluxe blend, 60/40 Polwarth/Tussah Silk. The extra silk makes this a fabulously luxurious blend and will give your yarn spectacular glow and shine!

Our companion tonal this month is Winter Greens. Our Instagram tags for February are #twffeb18 and #threewatersfarm