March Top of the Month Club 2018
As the curtain rises on late winter, the farm looks like an unremarkable stage-set, where winter lingers on in its steady, plodding way. There are lots of uneven patches of freeze-stressed grass and last year’s broomsedge still has the upper hand in the far field. But even with the scenery so muted and so ordinary, I still admire this time of year - and not from a vacuous sense of sympathy, but because the ordinary has its own stalwart grace. Now, I AM eager for what’s coming next; I know this show is going to be better than anything I can remember or even imagine, and it will be all-the-more exquisite because it springs from such common ground. Welcome to Common Ground, our March TOMC!
 The wool this month is Falkland. The Falkland Islands are home to a unique sheep breed which is a combination of Polwarth, Corriedale, and Merino sheep. These sheep are well adapted to their unique and particular climate and they are sustainably raised without chemicals. This Falkland wool measures 26 microns and the wool, though crimped, is open and easy to spin. Many of you will find this wool next-to-the-skin soft and it spins into a plump, resilient, bouncy yarn.
 Our wool/silk blend is 40/40/20 Merino/Superwash Merino/Tussah Silk. MSWMTS dyes beautifully, is amazingly soft, and it has super-draft-ability.

Our companion colorway this month is Spring Forth, Common Ground’s electric sibling! These two colorways were created back-to-back, and clearly, they are meant to be together! Our Instagram tags for March are #twfmar18 and #threewatersfarm