April Top of the Month Club 2016
Spring is bursting forth all around us. The redbuds, ornamental cherries, spirea, and jasmine are all blooming, as are the late season daffodils, tulips, anemones, and hyacinths. Fresh spring colors roll out like a magic carpet, unfurling a little more each day under an encouraging sun. I love the spring sunshine, but I also love the storms; the dark, brooding grey-blue clouds intensify the pure colors in springs spectacular landscape. Welcome to Storm Cloud Over Flowers, our April TOMC!

Our wool selection this month is Targhee. The Targhee breed was developed in Idaho from crosses of Rambouillet, Corriedale, and Lincoln sheep. This US grown wool is 23 microns and very soft, with lots of muted luster.

Our wool/silk selection this month is Blueface Leicester/Tussah Silk, a 75/25 blend. The silk in this blend adds to the enormous luster of the BFL; it will spin easily into a yarn with plenty of luster and drape.

Our companion tonal is Storm Clouds. It is available through the link in your shipping notice and it is also available in our Etsy shop. Happy Spinning Everyone!