Back on the Planet
I am back on the planet. It was slightly sobering to discover that I am a computer addict. I suspected that it might be so, but cheerfully ignored both the possibility and its ramifications until my computer got zonked. I dont have to think about it anymore, however, because my computer is fixed. I did get a lot of things done when I wasnt computering. The yarn that is destined for Maryland Sheep and Wool should be here this week and my production schedule is all worked out. Ive got a couple of colorways that are almost ready for unveiling and one that I shall unveil now: BEHOLD!, Wild Berry!

Earthbound II is nearing completion; it is starting to look like I will have to reknit the sleeves. The first Earthbound was lacking a true shoulder band. Earthbound II has its proper shoulder band, and the seven extra rows or so a shoulder band requires. The already knit sleeves are smaller by seven stitches, that is, 2 inches. We will see how much magic we can conjure up to solve this problem that doesnt involve re-knitting. I have run out of time to re-knit before Maryland and so this sweater may end up in summer storage. Here is a picture of the completed back panel:

A really exciting opportunity has come my way: Olds College in Alberta, Canada, is running a satellite session of their famous Master Spinner program in nearby Louisburg, NC. They are offering Master Spinner Level I, April 23 to 27. What could be more fun than this a whole week with a variety of fleeces, cards, natural dyeing, rabid fiber enthusiasts, and fantastic instructors?