Completely Twisted and Arbitrary Spin Along!
Three Waters Farm is dyeing for the Completely Twisted and Arbitrary Spinning Group on Ravelry, January through March. The theme was early Twentieth Century Art: you can see all the submissions here. After plenty of sampling, I chose to go with Franklin Carmichaels Mirror Lake and Georgia OKeefes Music, Pink and Blue No. 2.

Carmichaels Mirror Lake appealed to me because I LOVE reflections; I love playing with lights and darks. To emphasize the light and dark aspects, I chose to represent this painting with two colorways, Mirror Lake and Reflections on Mirror Lake.

Ah, Georgia OKeefe! I assumed that this painting was part of her flower work, but when I did my research, I discovered that its titled Music, Pink and Blue No.2. OKeefe sometimes translated music into painting, and though there is no record of what she was listening to while she painted this, her music collection consisted of mostly 18th and 19th century classical music Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Schumann, etc. as well as sacred music, madrigals, and opera. I had a lot of fun organizing these colors (and, for the record, I was listening to Amy Winehouse Radio while I was working this out!) Introducing Color Music!

The colorways are available on BFL and on Merino/TussahSilk 80/20. The colorways will be available for the entire length of the SAL. You can find them in my Etsy shop! Orders will ship within 14 days of purchase. Happy Spinning everyone!