Cool Soil, Blue Sky: April Top of the Month Club, 2015
The calendar says its finally spring, but these blustery lion-like days feel like spring in-name-only. It is hard to work outside when the wind is roaring; I prefer the comfort of peaceful, intermittent breezes. Then, I like to work in the garden. This time of year, the top of the soil is moist and cool; my digging reveals several layers of rich red-brown soil, from the pale brown surface mulch to the good, dark, deep red-brown dirt at the point of my shovel. Welcome to Cool Soil, Blue Sky, the April edition of the Top of the Month Club!

The wool/silk blend this month is Merino/Tussah Silk, in an 80/20 combination. Merino is soft and full of bounce and memory and it gleams with this addition of tussah silk.

The wool this month is Falkland wool. The Falkland Islands are home to a unique sheep breed which is a combination of Polwarth, Corriedale, and Merino. These sheep are well adapted to their unique, particular climate where they are able to be raised without chemicals. This Falkland wool measures 26 microns and the wool, though crimped, is open and easy to spin. Many of you will find this wool next-to-the-skin soft and it spins into a plump, resilient, bouncy yarn.

The companion colorway this month is Spring Shadows.