Earthbound Right Front
I started knitting on my new Diane Edwards sweater. Oh how much fun it is! I saw Dianes book of sweaters at SAFF and snatched it up. I pored over that book it is just full of ideas. I settled on the sweater I wanted; I gauged and I swatched. I decided that I did not want to follow a chart while stranding and purling, so I taught myself how to knit from left to right, while stranding with both hands. What a thrill that was! No more purling for me, baby! I dont remember the last time I was this excited about my knitting! And so here are the results!

I just finished the first quadrant and am pondering how to eliminate 6 rows from the back and of course what colors to use!!!!! I could kick myself for using the same background color for the first band as for the second, but oh well. I am increasing speed in my left-handed knitting and I figured out how to carry the alternate color along the outside when purling. That was fun. I am absolutely thrilled!!! I just hope I dont experience the * dreaded*gauge*shift as I get happier and happier!