February Top of the Month Club, 2016
Late on winter afternoons, I like to watch the woods as beams of light filter in from the west. The sycamore trees flash white in the sunlight, but it is the beech trees that catch my eye. Above their slim grey trunks, worn gold leaves glow like lanterns, as if lit by inner light. Welcome to Light in the Trees, our February Top of the Month Club!

The wool this month is Organic Polwarth. Polwarth sheep originated in Australia from a cross of Lincoln (coarse long wool with luster and curl) and Merino (fine shorter wool, highly crimped.) At 22 microns, this Polwarth is fabulously soft; this wool is less crimped than Merino and thus more open and so it is easier to spin.

The wool/silk blend this month is Polwarth/Silk, 85/15. The fact that we dyed on the same blend last month somehow escaped our notice until just now; we suppose that this is proof that we now have wool between our ears!We apologize for this mistake; it wont happen again, at least not any time soon! In any case, we can all agree that Polwarth/Silk is a spectacular delight to spin; Polwarth body blended with the perfect amount of silk never loses its charm!

Sky Behind Trees is our tonal companion colorway this month; you can follow the link in your shipping program to find it in our webshop. It is also available in our Etsy shop. Happy Spinning Everyone!