Honeybees! I used to be a beekeeper, and oh, the stories I could tell! One of my more active times as a beekeeper was when I was pregnant with our second child he was born in the spring, right at the beginning of the yearly honey flow, so I was very busy preparing frames and supers (beekeeper talk!) during the last month of my pregnancy. I was so big, I could no longer zip up my bee suit and had to borrow a bigger one from one of the men in our county bee association. A couple of weeks before our baby was born, I hived a swarm that had lit on the corner of the barn roof. (Nine months pregnant, climbing a ladder to the second story in full bee gear? Young and foolish? Certainly! I have since learned to pay better attention to my much saner husband!) The best part of the 1989 honey flow was, of course, Noah, who was born on April 4. And, astonishingly, or perhaps predictably, Noahs favorite food is honey. Here is our new colorway, Honeybee, on BFL. Available in our Etsy shop.
