January Top of the Month Club 2018
Each day I choose a path, wending my way between the long dark nights by carefully staying focused on the daylight.
The morning is slow to come, but the sun is oh-so-welcome when it rises above the trees in the southeast and starts its peekaboo game with the maple tree branches outside my window. Midday comes too fast, and the angle of light is low, but it gives everything a sideways sparkle, filling the lawn with twinkling lights as the sunlight strikes the grass. In the woods, the bare tree tops allow the sunshine to stream all the way to the ground; it penetrates into the rich brown heartwood of fallen trees and illuminates the lichens growing on the rocks in the path. The fast falling afternoon light always catches me by surprise; the light slips away before it is time for dinner.
Following the light keeps me steady and helps me to stay focused on what’s bright, but the brightest thought of all is that we’ve finally arrived at the turning point: winter is full of long dark nights, but we have now officially turned back to the light. Welcome to Winter Pathways, our January TOMC!!

Our wool this month is
Blueface Leicester. BFL never loses its charm; it has easy spin-ability and compelling luster, and will spin into a the broad range of grists.

Our wool/silk this month is
80/10/10 Targhee/Bamboo/Silk. This US grown wool is very soft - a fabulous 23 microns - with lots of muted luster. The bamboo and the silk add extra shine and drape.

Our companion tonal this month is Pathway Shadows.
Our Instagram tags for January are #twfjan18 and #threewatersfarm
Enjoy the path you are walking! Happy Spinning to you!