July Top of the Month Club 2016
During the summer, I like to be outside morning, noon, and night. First thing every morning, I go out to the garden. As I move along the garden path, I pull weeds and look for flowers that are beginning to open. The light is perfect this time of day; tinted gold, it comes in at an angle and softly pushes shadows from the flowers and the leaves, unveiling their daytime colors. Each morning, I am again astonished that the sunflowers have turned to the east to welcome the sun. I love to be in the garden in the early morning. Every day around noon, I return to the garden. The sun is beating straight down, blazing and ferocious. I walk along the gardens edge, looking to see if anything has changed since my morning visit. As I pull a few weeds, I see that the sunflowers have turned their faces up to bask in the sun, and, for a little while, I do the same. I love to be in the garden at midday. I go back to the garden every day at sundown. The sun makes up for its midday temper, touching everything with soft golden light. Along with the sunflowers, I turn to the west. The last days light lingers on our faces. I love to be in the garden at the end of the day. I am satisfied with summer. Welcome to Satisfied with Summer our July Top of the Month Club!

The wool this month is Finn! If you havent spun any Finn before, you are in for a treat. Finn has a satiny luster that gives the yarn an inner glow. The wool has an open structure and is easy to spin into many different weights of yarn. This Finn is in the 25 micron range so you can use it for both outer garments and garments that are going to be worn closer to the skin.

The wool/silk blend this month is Merino/Superwash Merino/Tussah Silk, 40/40/20. MSWMTS dyes beautifully, is amazingly soft, and has super-draftability.

Golden Beauty is our tonal companion colorway this month. It is available through our web-shop and also through our Etsy-shop Happy Spinning!