Junes Glow: June Top of the Month Club, 2015
In the beginning of June, the impatiens under the maple tree are beginning to fill their tub. As the impatiens grow, they brighten the shade with fervent ardor. Smoldering shades of red, pink, and coral combine with shades of orange, melon, and vermillion: welcome to Junes Glow!

This months TOMC features a special deluxe wool/silk blend: 60/40 Polwarth/TussahSilk. The extra silk heightens the two-tone color effect that is prized in wool/silk blends. This fiber will give your yarn spectacular glow and shine!

For the wool club, Blueface Leicester returns. We can find no adequate words for BFL; we fail in our attempts to describe the compelling luster, the easy spin-ability, and the broad range of yarns that are possible to produce from this fiber.

Red Flowers is our companion colorway this month! The photos this month simply cannot do justice to this colorway; the predominance of reds and oranges is more than a camera can capture! We cant wait to see how you all spin up Junes Glow and we look forward to seeing your photos in the Ravelry SAL thread and on Instagram! Have a glorious, glowing month of June and Happy Spinning to you all! Warm regards, Mary Ann and Stephen