March Top of the Month Club 2017
The unrelenting grey clouds during this warm, wet, weird winter sunk my spirit and I lost track of the happy harbingers of spring. So I got quite a happy jolt when the jaunty purple crocuses greeted me in the garden on my morning walk and when, a few days later, the first daffodils began to bloom. As if in echo to the bright, buttery yellow of the daffodils, the sun began to reappear, peeking through the cloud cover and showering us with spirit-lifting sunshine. Welcome to Rise and Shine, our March TOMC!!

Our wool this month is Rambouillet! Rambouillet sheep were developed in France by crossing merino stock with long-wooled sheep; they were introduced into the US in the mid 1800s. They thrive in the western rangelands of the United States, which is where this Rambouillet originates. Fine and springy like merino, this fiber will spin into a next-to-the-skin-soft yarn with plenty of bounce.

Our wool/silk blend is Merino/Tussah Silk, 80/20. This is a wondrously versatile blend; it will spin into a luxe yarn with plenty of bounce at almost any grist.

Our companion tonal this month is Springing for Green. (I know. Green. Its all Im thinking about!) Our Instagram tag for March is #threewatersfarm Happy Spinning Everyone! Warm regards, Mary Ann and Stephen