May Top of the Month Club 2017
I have a tale to tell about poppies. It is a story about my dream of populating the garden with an abundance of pretty poppies, my failures at starting them from seed, and my sorrow at having to at last purchase a potted poppy plant to place in the garden. My only clear memory of that saga is of that single poppy plant standing stark and alone where a multitude of waving poppies should have been. I brought my sad-puppy-poppy-story to Stephen and he fixed me with an amused look and said, "Potted poppies are popular with the people." I pressed him a bit and he went on. "Mary Ann un-potted a poppy, popped it into the garden, and now poppy plants periodically pop up in perplexing places." That's the story and I'm sticking with it! Welcome to Merry Poppies, our May Top of the Month Club!

The wool/silk blend this month is Merino Superwash Merino/TussahSilk, in a 40/40/20 combination. The extra silk in this luxe blend will give your yarn spectacular glow and shine.

Our wool this month is Organic Polwarth! Polwarth sheep originated in Australia from a cross of Lincoln (coarse long wool with luster and curl) and Merino (fine shorter wool, highly crimped.) At 22 microns, this Polwarth is fabulously soft; this wool is less crimped than Merino and thus more open and so it is easier to spin.

This month tonal is Pink Shades. Have a wonderful May and Happy Spinning to you! Warm regards, Mary Ann and Stephen