November Top of the Month Club 2017
I’m at peace with the shorter days this year. As I watch the sky deepen at dusk, it feels as if the days are drifting effortlessly into the lengthening nights. When the light falls amid the trees, the violet turns to grey and then settles into a rich darkness, while the brown of the tree trunks fade from view. The colors vanish moment by moment and I gladly welcome the beauty of fall. Welcome to Layers of Darkness, our November TOMC!

The wool this month is Falkland. The Falkland Islands are home to a unique sheep breed which is a combination of Polwarth, Corriedale, and Merino sheep. These sheep are well adapted to their unique and particular climate and they are sustainably raised without chemicals. This Falkland wool measures 26 microns and the wool, though crimped, is open and easy to spin. Many of you will find this wool next-to-the-skin soft and it spins into a plump, resilient, bouncy yarn.

Our wool/silk blend is BFL/Tussah Silk, 75/25. BFLTS dyes beautifully, is amazingly soft, and it has super-draftability.

Our tonal colorway this month is Mercurial Light. Enjoy the light and Happy Spinning to you! Warm regards, Mary Ann and Stephen Top of the Month Club information, and signup - We'd love to have you join the TOMC Club!