September Top of the Month Club 2016
While sitting in my garden chair with my morning cup of coffee , I enjoy watching the butterflies flutter down to work the flowers. These warm mornings will soon be a distant pleasure so I make sure to welcome every one of them. Although the days are long and hot, I can feel the summer slipping away. The flowers are still bright and vigorous, but these are the bright spots in a more complex backdrop; plant stems and leaves are showing signs of stress and wear; many of the greens are brittle and dark. Much as Id like to hold onto an ever-lasting summer, I have yielded to the enjoyment inherent in these moments of overlap between summers clear bright colors and falls complicated muddy darks. Welcome to Summers End, our September TOMC!

Our wool/silk blend this month is Blueface Leicester/Tussah Silk, a 75/25 blend. BFL of course needs no introduction; it has enormous luster and is open and easy to spin. The silk in this blend adds luxe to the infinite pleasures of BFL. This fiber will spin into fantastic yarn at almost any grist.

Our wool this month is Rambouillet! Rambouillet sheep were developed in France by crossing merino stock with long-wooled sheep; they were introduced into the US in the mid 1800s. They thrive in the western rangelands of the United States, which is where this Rambouillet originates. Fine and springy like merino, this fiber will spin into a next-to-the-skin-soft yarn with plenty of bounce. Weve got two companion tonals this month, Summer Purples and Fall Purples.

Happy Spinning!