Top of the Month Club, January 2015
Winter is a time that I can sleep a little later without missing the sunrise, which is visible from the comfort of the kitchen window. The sun is now rising far to the southeast and before it clears the trees, the sky drifts from grey violet to pink, deepens to red and orange, and finally culminates in golden daylight, which erases the frozen white fields with a slow, effortless sweep. Hello, Frosted Daybreak!

The wool/silk blend this month is Merino/Bamboo/Tussah Silk, in a 50/25/25 combination.The wool and the silk take the color at different depths, and the bamboo doesnt take the color at all. Instead, it shines with a glistening, frosty glow which will give your yarn great sheen.

The wool this month is Superfine Merino. At 19 microns, this wool is soft soft soft! I love the way the merino has an inner shine but a matte glow! I want you to move this braid to the top of your spinning queue, especially if you have not had luck spinning merino yet I have a few techniques that might be helpful: lets talk about this in our January Spin-Along thread! To join our Top of the Month Club, go here! To purchase a Three Waters Farm gift certificate or a gift subscription to TOMC, go here!