Top of the Month Club November 2014
Some of the red, yellow, and gold leaves linger on the trees and the cool weather grasses are still green and bright but it is the dazzling blue, ever-changing sky that is grabbing our attention now: welcome to November Morning!

The wool/silk blend this month is Polwarth/Mohair/Tussah Silk, in a 65/25/10 combination. The mohair and the silk add tremendous luster to this blend. Mohair has so much shine that it used to be known as poor mans silk and when you spin this blend under a light, you can watch the mohair fibers reflecting light as they are captured by the twist, and you can see the amazing mohair halo take shape. This will certainly enhance the magic of your daily spinning!

The wool this month is Falkland wool, from the Falkland Islands. The Falkland Islands are home to a unique sheep breed which is a combination of Polwarth, Corriedale, and Merino sheep. These sheep are well adapted to their unique and particular climate and they are sustainably raised without chemicals. This Falkland wool measures 26 microns and the wool, though crimped, is open and easy to spin. Many of you will find this wool next-to-the-skin soft and it spins into a plump, resilient, bouncy yarn. Greens at Dusk, this months companion colorway, is my song to Novembers long shadows and lengthening nights. Extras are available; the link to the hidden page is in your shipping notice. To join of Top of the Month Club, go here! To purchase a Three Waters Farm gift certificate or a gift subscription to TOMC, go here!