Woohoo! Maryland!

What a wonderful time we had at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Show! The people! The animals! The fiber! The yarn! It is always terrific to see old friends and make new ones! If you have never paid homage to MSW, mark your calendar now for the first weekend in May, 2008. There is simply nothing like it. Come and see us next year! Monday was a long ride home for us two tired people. Soon after pulling in the driveway, I went down to the barn to check on things. Look what I found!

How lucky is that? A few days early, two perfect little does, on the ground, dry, and full of colostrum when I got there! Absentee barn midwifery doesnt get any better than that! They are tiny six pounders but strong and lively and smart! Think up some names for us, May flower names please. We are still too tired to do it ourselves!
